Agent/Local Statement

Agent/Local Statement is used to determine which customers have outstanding invoices. You can use it to reconcile with your customer/agent.

Go to Navigator, Accounting ⇒ Report ⇒ Agent / Local Statement 


    a.How to generate the Agent Statement.

  1. Select "Partner", choose "Period" and Filter By "Open" invoices. Click “Search”.

  1. The upper sheet will show all the unpaid/open invoices. Check the invoices you want to reconcile with partners.

  1. Check Attach Original Invoices if needed. Give the document a name. In this case, we name it “Test”. Click View to Print Preview.

  1. You could select to view the statement or original invoices.

  1. You could download PDF, Excel, Print it out or Send Email by clicking the buttons at the top of the preview page.

*Note: The statement will be downloaded with original invoices.

  1. You could also click Download PDF or Download Excel directly.

  1. The document “Test” will be shown on the Generated Document List below.

    b.How to reload/revise the statement.

  1. If you want to add more invoices to the “Test” statement, click Action ⇒ Reload Report.

  1. The selected invoices in Document “Test” will be shown on the upper sheet again in yellow. 

  1. Check other invoices you want to add and give it another Document ID (we name it Test-2 ). Click Download PDF or Download Excel.

  1. Document Test-2 will be shown on the Generated Document List.

    5.7.2)Amount Confirmed

a.How to block invoices in the statement

 Customer/Agent has confirmed the amount of the statement.


  1. Check "Amount Confirmed" for Test-2, and click "Yes" at the pop-up notice.

*Note: All AR/AP/DC in the statement will be prohibited from editing after doing this.

  1. The invoices couldn’t be revised. Amount Confirmed will be selected.


    a.How to make/receive payment.

  1. Click Action ⇒ Make/Receive Payment.

  1. Enter Pay Amount and click “OK”.

  1. It will redirect the payment page.

    b.How to make/receive payment with multi statements.

  1. Check the statement with the same partner you want to make/receive payment. Click Make/Receive Payment.

*Note: Only Amount Confirmed statements can be selected.

  1. Enter Pay Amount and click “OK”.