Clear check by Excel

    Go to Navigator, Accounting ⇒ Bank ⇒ Clear check by Excel 

There’re many transactions everyday. Sometimes you may pay different vendors with checks in batches. Here is the feature that you can upload the document(only accept .csv) to batch clear check payment.

For example, if you would like to clear two payments below.

  1. Go to Settings ⇒ Accounting ⇒ Bank List (Authorized User)

  2. Select bank Setting,click Clear Check by Excel.

  1. Enter the format information. And click “OK”.

Here is the corresponding format for .csv file.

  1. Go to Navigator, Accounting ⇒ Bank ⇒ Clear check by Excel

  2. Choose the ❶bank you want to perform. Click ❷“Add Files” to upload a csv document.

  3. ❸Check records match payment information. Click ❹“APPLY”

  1. Log will display below. And payment will be updated accordingly.