2.3 Payment Received List

Go to Sidebar, Accounting ⇒ Payment ⇒ Payment Received List 

All payments received will be shown on this page.You could see Received Amount on the top of the page.

a.How to search for a payment received

  1. Click “Filter” and you can search the payments you’re looking for by entering /choosing the following in the column: received from, ref number and bank etc.

  2. Click "Apply Filter" to get the payment.


    a.How to rearrange the table column configuration?

  1. Click “Config”

  1. Select the items you want to see and uncheck the items you don’t. If you drag it above the “Freeze Column Divider”, the column of this item will be fixed on the Payment Received List.

2.3.3)Output Excel

    a.How to output “Excel”

  1. Click “Excel” at the upper right corner, then “Download”.

  1. You can also decide the Excel Configuration.


    a.How to block/unblock a payment

  1. Tick the payment in the lock icon row.

  1. Click OK at the pop-up notice.

  1. The payment is blocked. If you would like to unblock it, just uncheck the payment.

        2.3.5)Create Payment

    a.How to create a new payment on Payment Received List

  1. You can add a new payment by clicking the “Green +”. Then it will lead you to  a new page to receive payment. Regarding payment process, please refer to Accounting Manual  2.1.1.a How to receive a payment.