1.3 Create G&A Invoice

Under the invoice module we have General and Administration: Miscellaneous, account receivable, and anything receivable with non-related shipments, you can do it from here.

        1.3.1) Basic

a.How to create a G&A Invoice

  1. Go to Accounting ⇒ Invoice/Cost ⇒ Create G&A Invoice

  1. “Bill to” is the must-have information here. You can add charges and fees by clicking the “Green +” then key in the rest of the info accordingly.If you’re not sure about some details and don’t want this to be an official Invoice/AR, click “Save as Draft”.

  1. If you’d like to convert to normal AR, click “Tools” at the upper right corner, and choose “Convert to Normal”. This draft will become an official AR.

    b.How to print an invoice

  1. Click “Tools” at the upper right corner, and choose “Print”.

  1. Select “Download PDF” , “Print PDF” or “Email” on the top of the page.