GoFreight Tracking 

EDI Version

Cargo tracking has been an important part of customer experience in freight forwarding as customers need the real-time information of their cargo to maximize their action. 

Now, we will guide you how to use GoFreight Tracking.

Your Tracking Portal

Tracking Portal for your customers. 




  • Setting

Tracking User Management (Authorized User)

This function is enabled for the Operation manager role by default, users can create and manage all the customer tracking accounts. Please contact us if you need to adjust your privileges.
After this function is enabled, users will be granted the privilege by default to arrange the trade partner setting. You can see all the tracking accounts information and reset password in the tracking user management entry.

  • How to create a tracking account for your customer
    1. Go to “Setting > Tracking User Management” 

    2. Click on “Create User” button

    3. The columns with red asterisk are the compulsory info you must fill in. Enter User ID, First name, Password, Email and other information.
    4. Select a role for this account.
    **Important: You have to enter the corresponding column of the shipment, and your customer will be able to view their shipment in the tracking portal.

    Let’s take an example, if you select this trade partner role as Customer, you have to enter this trade partner in the customer field of the shipment entry. The other role options are the same, they need to enter the corresponding column in the shipment entry.

    5. Add the trade partner. 
    **Note: Only trading partners created in the system can be selected in this column. If you’re not able to add the trade partner, please go to “Trade Partner > New Trade Partner” to create a new one.

    6. Manage the email notification of each cargo status for this account.
    7. Complete all the settings and create the account.
    **Note: Our system will not only send email notification when cago status is updated, but also when ETA/ETD is updated and document uploaded.

  • How to manage multiple trade partner into one tracking account
    Our system allows one role with multi-TP for a tracking user and delicate email preference configuration for both internal and tracking users. Here’s the followings:

    1, Go to “Setting > Tracking User Management” 
    2. Create a new account or click into an existing account
    3. Scroll down and find “Trade Partner” information under Partnership Setting.
    4, Add multiple trade partners in this column and save.

  • How to reset password
    There are two ways to reset the account password. here’s the following:

    1. Go to “Setting > Tracking User Management”. You can also reset the account password in the list view entry. 

    2. Or you can click into an existing account, scroll down and reset the password.  

Email Notification & Weekly Report

Once your tracking user account has been created, click on the account and set the Partnership Setting, and you're able to manage the email notification for each tracking user. 

We have a shipment weekly report and journey updated email notification for you and your customers.You can click on the checkbox to decide whether you want to push the email notification at that stage. 

You can also see the creation time and last login time of this account at the bottom of the entry.

GoFreight users as operation, operation manager, sales and sales manager role can arrange the setting whether to receive the email notification under “My Profile > Setting” as well.

You’ll receive the emails with current shipment status timely without entering into the tracking portal. It’s really convenient and efficient for you to better track your shipments.


Once the email notification has been set up, our system will automatically send a shipment weekly report to related accounts on every Monday morning, around 3 a.m. based on your time zone.

Sample of Weekly Report :

  • Operation

GoFreight Shipment Entry

Before we go to the tracking site, you need to input shipment details in the GoFreight system. In this section, we will guide you on how and where you should enter the shipment information. 

  1. Basic Entry

   Scenario 1 : Non Rail Shipment

  • How to add a new shipment:

Go to the Navigation bar on the left hand side, select “New Shipment” under “Ocean Import” section and click “+Add HB/L” and MBL will be folded.

Click on MBL# to expand. Fill in the required fields and remember to “Save”. If you have multiple HB/L under one MB/L, click “Add HB/L” to add more HB/L and repeat 8,9,Save.

?Info required:


2.CarrierPlease ensure you maintain the SCAC code in the Trade Partner Basic Entry.



5.POLShould be the same as it on Carrier website


7.PODShould be the same as it on Carrier website

8.ETAShould be later than today - 7


10.OI: Consignee (OE: Customer)


11. If the SVC term is CY-CY/CY-CFS, the Journey will be stopped at the Unloaded from Vessel stage. In other cases, it will be stopped at the “Outgate” stage on GoFreight Tracking.

If you have Terminal EDI enabled, please fill in the CY/CFS location and we will retrieve the real-time data from the terminal site to  "My Container" page.

?Supported Terminal EDI:













Terminal 18















Fenix Marine













Scenario 2 : Rail Shipment

Fill in all the required fields below from 1~10.

If you have multiple HB/L under one MB/L, click “Add HB/L” to add more HB/L and repeat 7,8,10,Save.

**Note: We support real-time status of the four railroad companies : UN(Union Pacific), BNSFCN(Canadian National), CPR(Canadian Pacific)**

?Info required for retrieving EDI:


2.CarrierPlease ensure you maintain the SCAC code in the Trade Partner Basic Entry.



5.POLShould be the same as it on Carrier website


7.PODShould be the same as it on Carrier website

8.ETAShould be later than today - 7


10.OI: Consignee (OE: Customer)


11.If the SVC term is CY-CY/CY-CFS, the Journey will only display to the “Unloaded from Vessel” stage. Otherwise, it will display and be stopped at the “Outgate” stage on GoFreight Tracking.

12.Rail checkbox and select Rail Company

(Currently, we support real-time status of the four railroad companies : UN, BNSF, CN, CPR. If you choose the rail company as “Others”, we will only show the rail status based on the carrier website)

  1. Container & Item Entry 

   Scenario 1 : One HB/L

  • How to enter container number

Go to the “Container & Item” tab. Click on MBL# to expand. Please enter container No. here and click “save”. Container No. will auto sync to HB/L as well.

   Scenario 2:  Multiple HB/L

  • How to assign container to different HB/Ls

Please click on the purple icon  “Assign Container” at the upper right corner. 

Assign your containers to each HB/L. In this case, we’ve assigned CNTR1 to the HB/L in yellow and CNTR 2&3 to the blue one.

  1. Doc center

Whenever you click “Tools” on MB/L or HB/L to generate documents, select “Download PDF” , “Print PDF” or “Email” on top of the page, GoFreight will save the file to “Doc Center” automatically.

All types of documents in the HBL section can be synchronized to the tracking portal for your customer to access. Check the “SYNC TO TRACKING” box. Click on the Edit Description button to further edit the description you wish to present to your customer in the tracking portal.
For ocean import shipments, our system is set to automatically sync Arrival Notice and Invoices by default, if you need other document types to automatically sync to the tracking portal as well, please contact us at support@hardcoretech.co .

**Notes: If you use drag and drop function to upload documents and select the type as Other, you can manually check the sync box to synchronize to the tracking portal. Also, you can arrange the document type as you wish if you upload files.

  • Tracking Portal

Your Tracking Portal





**Note: You need to log in GoFreight system and you’re able to enter GOFreight tracking portal

**Note: Tracking shipment view is based on each GoFreight user permission setting. 

Shipment List View

GoFreight offers 5 departments for users to track shipment: Ocean Import, Ocean Export, Air Import, Air Export and Warehouse.

You can quickly view the information of each shipment on the list, such as MB/L, HB/L no., POL/POD, and etc.


If you’re looking for a specific shipment, you may click “Filter” at the upper right side and search it by entering keywords or other criteria.

Tracking Shipment Entry

When you enter the tracking shipment entry, you can see our system split into 3 sections to better visualize your shipment status. 

  1. Basic Info.

In the upper section, you can see the basic shipment information you input in the GoFreight, Including MB/L, HB/L, POL/POD, and Status & Requirements.

Therefore, we suggest you complete the information as detailed as you can. The more information you maintain, the more details will show in this entry.

Status & Requirements: This section indicates the status of shipment requirements. There are 3 steps with different colors of the status reminder: Not Applicable (Gray) , Unfinished (Orange), Complete (Green).




Not Applicable

No need to do this requirement.



Not send/received/released





Here are the conditions to trigger the requirement status:

Ocean Import Status Trigger :

Task Name


Arrival Notice

HBL: Send Arrival Notice

OB/L Required

HBL: OB/L Received

Release Status

HBL: Frt. Released


HBL: Service tem: TO DOOR

Door Delivered

Air Import Status Trigger:

Task Name


Arrival Notice

HBL: Send Arrival Notice

Release Status

HBL: Frt. Released


HBL: Service tem: TO DOOR

Door Delivered

  1. Journey & Container Details

In the middle section, you can view journey and container details, including container no., type, size and real-time cargo status.

  • Cargo Detail info
    In this section, it will show shipment and container information you maintained in the GoFreight system.
    Likewise, we suggest you complete the information as detailed as you can. The more information you maintain, the more details will show in this entry.

  • Journey & Container info
    As you can see, we define several stages for the cargo journey for you to better realize your shipment status. It will update the stage according to the Container Info below and our system will automatically capture the shipment information according to the shipping company you fill in and update it in this section.

Shipment Journey Stages:

Scenario 1: Non-Rail Shipment

  • Example: Ocean Import
    The status bar shows the stage of the ocean import shipment non-rail procession.
    If the SVC term is CY-CY/CY-CFS, the Journey will be stopped at the Unloaded from Vessel stage. In other cases, it will be stopped at the “Outgate” stage on GoFreight Tracking.

  • Example: Ocean Export
    The status bar shows the stage of the ocean import non-rail shipment procession.

Scenario 2: Rail Shipment

  • Example: Ocean Import
    The status bar shows the stage of the ocean import rail shipment procession.
    If the SVC term is CY-CY/CY-CFS, the Journey will be stopped at the Unloaded from Vessel stage. In other cases, it will be stopped at the “Outgate” stage on GoFreight Tracking.

Our system will auto update railway status from BNSF, UP, CN, CPR or carrier based on your selection in the shipment.

In the container status section, you can view detailed real-time information from the rail company. 

Rail Updated Information:



  • LFD

  • Last Event/Last Event Location

We will also show the dates under the Rail stage of the journey status. You and your customers can realize the latest status from here without visiting the railway website.

**Disclaimer: The current status information is predicted based on third parties’ data resources, which provides internal customers’ usage and for reference. Hard Core Technology will not guarantee the accuracy of time and location due to the various sources, and will not be responsible or indemnify any inaccuracy or delay related to the status information on our tracking system.**

  1. Documents & Contact Person

In the lower section, you can see the documents of the shipment and contact person information. 

Your customer can view and download documents in this tracking portal.

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at support@hardcoretech.co. We are all ears and happy to help!