5. Container TP/SZ

If you’re not able to find the container type/size to choose in the system,  you can manage it by Container TP/SZ. Here’s how it works:

  1. Go to “Setting > Container TP/SZ”

  1. Click the green '+" button to add a new container type/size.

  2. Assign a code the container type/size and enter Description, type and TEU.

  3. Remember to save it.

*Note: The type information in the Volume&Profit report is often not the same as expected because of the wrong container TP/SZ settings. You can manage by this entry.

*Note: If you don’t want this container type/size to be selected in the system, uncheck the box to deactivate it. The container type/size is disabled.

  1. Once set up, you’re able to select the option in the system. 

  1. Click “Filter” and you can search the container type/size you’re looking for by entering the following in the “Keyword” : Code or Name. Click "Apply Filter" to get the result. Or filter by those active/disable container type/size only.