
1. Accounting

1.1 Currency Table (For Multiple Currency)

1.1.1) How to maintain the exchange rate

  1. Go to “Setting > Accounting >  Currency Table”

  1. Click the drop-down menu to select the currencies you want to maintain the exchange rate. 

  1. You can also click the icon to quickly switch two currencies to maintain the exchange rate.

  1. As you can see, there will be a default rate in our system. The row without as of date is the system default rate. (Marked in Blue)

  2. Click the green “+” button to add a new rate. 

  1. Select “As of Date” and enter the number for internal rate.Please set the external rate the same as the internal rate.

External rate is for users who use specific invoice format, the rate will show on it. 

If you’d like to have the exchange rate to show on the invoice, please contact us at support@hardcoretech to set up the new format.

Examples below of how the currency table works in our system.

[SGD to USD]

E.g. For AR/AP/DC/Payment post Date between 07-01-2021~07-31-2021

Use SGD to USD exchange rate setting:

E.g. For AR/AP/DC/Payment post Date after 08-01-2021

Use SGD to USD exchange rate setting:  

E.g. For AR/AP/DC/Payment post Date before 06-30-2021  

Use SGD to USD exchange rate setting:    

1.2 Bank List

1.2.1) How to create a New Bank

  1. Go to Settings ⇒ Accounting ⇒ Bank List

  2. Click on the Green Plus Button to set up a new Bank.

  3. Type in the Bank name. e.g. Bank of America

  4. Select the corresponding G/L code for the bank. e.g.10200

***Note: Each bank has its own G/L code. The default G/L code is 10200. To create a new G/L code, please refer to the guide “Create a G/L code.”

  1. a. Revenue Default: Select this to default this bank in the dropdown list of the Revenue payment module.

b. Cost Default: Select this to default this bank in the dropdown list of the Make Payment Module.

  1. Save.


Important : 

To ensure the correctness of the financial report, please set up different G/L codes for each bank. 

1.3 Billing Code

1.3.1) How to create a Billing Code

  1. Go to Settings ⇒ Accounting ⇒ Billing Code Menu

  2. Click on the Green Button to add a new Billing Code

  3. Biling Code: Type in Biling Code

  4. Name(Eng): Type in a description of Billing Code 

  5. Name(Local): If needed, type in description in local language.

  6. Revenue/Cost/Credit/Debit: Map to the according G/L accounts.

  7. Checkbox for “Module Settings”: Check the modules you want this Billing code to be shown in. 

E.g. By clicking the O/IM box, you can access this billing code in the Ocean Import Module. See Diagram 2 below for detailed information.

Diagram 1

Diagram 2

1.4 G/L Code

1.4.1) How to create a GL Code

  1. Go to Settings ⇒ Accounting ⇒ G/L code Menu

  2. Click on the Green Plus Button to add a new G/L code.

  3. G/L code: Type in the new G\L code 

  4. Type: Select the correct type of G/L. e.g.Income, Expense

  5. Group: Same as Type when applicable

  6. Description: Enter a description of the G/L code.

  7. Sub: Enter if applicable or leave blank

  8. Acct. G/L code:  Enter if applicable or leave blank

  9. Checkbox for module settings: Choose the modules you want this G/L code to be shown in. 

***Note: If you unchoose “active,” this G/L code would no longer be shown in either Deposit nor Payment modules. 

  1. Save.