
1.Volume & Profit Report

Go to the Volume & Profit Report under the Report section.

Here, you can generate shipment’s volume and profit report based on these criteria. 

For instance, if you want to see the volume & profit report of a specific period, please follow the steps below:

  1. Choose your report type. Please note that only authorized users can choose ”Volume & Profit”, the rest can only choose “Volume Only”.

  1. Select a period.


  1. Decide which shipping type you wish to see in the report. If you want to see all, please select it all.

  2. If you select “Show Profit Detail”, the report will break down the detail to AR/AP/DC.

  1. If you want to see this report as a whole (MB/L + HB/L), select “MBL / MAWB No.” as the output type.

  1. You can select other information that you wish to see alongside the volume & profit report.

  1. Click “View” to generate the report. 

  1. After that, you can output this report as an excel file at the upper right corner.

2.Volume & Profit Chart

Go to the Volume & Profit Chart under the Report section.

You can generate shipment’s volume & profit chart based on these criteria.

For instance, if you want to see the volume & profit chart of a specific period, please follow the steps below:

  1. Select a period.

  1. Decide which shipping type you wish to see in your report.

  1. Select the volume unit as TEU, Container/CBM or B/L. 

  1. Select the chart type

  1. Click “View” to generate the chart.

  1. Click the download icon at the upper right corner, you can download this chart, print it out or make annotations.