1. Item List

Go to  "Warehouse" > "Receiving & Shipping" > "Item List".  You can check all items you created in Item List.

1.1 Search

1.1.1) How to search specific item

  1. Click “Filter” and you can search the item you’re looking for by entering the following in the “Keyword” column. Click “Apply Filters” to get the item.

1.3 Output Excel file for item list

1.3.1) How to output “Excel”

  1. Click “Excel” at the upper right corner, then “Download”. You will get an excel for receiving shipments.

Also, you can add new items by clicking the green “+” button. Enter the item information if needed. The cells with red asterisk are the compulsory info you must fill in. Remember to save after you complete the information. You will see the item listed in the page.