1. Receiving List

Go to  "Warehouse" > "Receiving & Shipping" > "Receiving List".  You can check all receiving shipments by Shipping List.

1.1 Search

1.1.1) How to search warehouse receiving shipments

  1. Click “Filter” and you can search the receiving shipment you’re looking for by entering the following in the “Keyword” column. Click “Apply Filters” to get into the shipment.

1.2 Block/Unblock

1.2.1) How to Block/Unblock shipments

  1. Check the shipment(s) you’d like to block under the “Lock icon” row.

  1.  will be a pop-up message. Once you block the shipment, its corresponding accounting info will be blocked as well.  Click “OK” to block the shipment.

1.3 Output Excel file for receiving shipments

1.3.1) How to output “Excel”

  1. Click “Excel” at the upper right corner, then “Download”. You will get an excel for receiving shipments.