New Receipt

1.1 Basic

1.1.1) How to add a new receipt

  1. Go to the Navigation bar on the left hand side, select “New Receipt” under “Warehouse” section.

  1. The cells with red asterisk are the compulsory info you must fill in. You can uncheck the box and manually input the receipt no. or let system auto generate the number. You can also arrange the post date. Complete the information you need. 

  2. Click green”+” button to add the item.

  1. Enter the quantity, dimension and other information if needed. Remember to save the file.

1.1.2) How to generate documents

  1. Once complete all the information for the receipt. There’s a "Tools” at the upper right corner of the page. You can generate most of the documents here.

  1. You can click the button on the top of the preview page to download and print out the documents. 

1.1.3) How to load the item to HBL

  1. Go to the the Container & Item tab of one HBL 

  2. Click the “Load from Warehouse”

  1. There’s a pop-up window, you can click the W/H Receipt No. and select specific item to load to the shipment, or you can just click the first checkbox to select the all item of the receipts.

  1. Complete the selection, and click “OK” 

  1. You will see the PKG, weight, and measurement of the item has already linked it. 

  1. Let’s go back to the receipt entry, you can notice that the item has linked to the B/L you did above and shows the B/L No. information. You can always go to the shipment to review by clicking it.

1.1.4) How to link the warehouse item to specific shipment

  1. Click on the first checkbox of the item you want to link to the HBL shipment.

  2. Select the HBL No. which you’d like to link to. Please refer to the picture below.

  1. You can notice that the item has linked to the B/L you applied and shows the B/L No. information. You can always go to the shipment to review by clicking it. Remember to save the file after you make any modifications.

1.2 Doc Center

1.2.1)  How to maintain documents

You can drag and drop your files to the section. Files that were uploaded successfully will be shown on “Document List”. You can choose to “Preview” or “Download” files under the “Actions” column. 

1.2.2) Auto-saved generated documents

Whenever you click “Tools” to generate documents, select “Download PDF” , “Print PDF” or “Email” on the top of the page, GoFreight will save the file to “Doc Center” automatically.