1. Quotation

1.1 How to create a new quotation?

  1. Go to Sales ⇒ New Quotation 

  2. Select the Shipping Type, and type in other needed information.

  3. Click the Green Plus Button to add a freight.

  4. Select the needed information in Place of Receipt, Port of Loading, Port of Discharge etc.

*Sample1: We input “SHANGHAI” at Place of Receipt & Port of Loading, “LOS ANGELES” at Port of Discharge, Place of Delivery & Final Destination, “COSCO” at Carrier

*Sample2: We input “SHANGHAI” at Place of Receipt & Port of Loading, “LOS ANGELES” at Port of Discharge, Place of Delivery, PHOENIX at Final Destination, “COSCO” at Carrier

  1. Select the container’s type and size.

  2. Type in the amount.

  3. Click Save.

  1. Go to Tools, click Print to generate the Quotation document.

1.2 How to add Other Charges into quotations?

Let’s continue the instructions below using the quotation we created at 1.1 How to create a new quotation?

  • In this case, we already have two routes, 

Route 1: Shanghai to Los Angeles

Route 2: Shanghai to Los Angeles, Final Destination: Phoenix


Charge 1: Origin Local Charge-SHANGHAI 

Charge 2: Destination Trucking Service-PHOENIX, TX 

  1. Click The Light Blue Text at the middle area to create the first Other Charges Group.

  1. Click the Small Gray Plus Button in the right corner, to create more Other Charges Group.

  1. Click the Edit Button to edit Title and Location.

  2. Edit the title and select the location.

  1. Click the Green Plus Button to add a freight.

  2. Select the way to apply the amount to the freight above.

  1. Check Inclusive, the freight will be included in the Freight Rate above.

  1. Select Separate, you can see the amounts apply to the needed container fees automatically in the Summary below.

  1. Select All, and type in the amount, you can see the amount apply to all the container fees automatically in the Summary below.

  1. Once you confirm the freight rate and charges, click Save. 

1.3 How to print and preview quotations?

  1. Go to Tools, click Print to generate the Quotation document.

  1. Select “Group by Route” to show Total Amount by different routes.

  1. Select Group by Category to show info by section.

1.4 How to add quotations to Favorite?

  1. Once you save the quotation, you will find Tools button in the upper right corner. 

  2. Click the doc icon to open/hide favorite section.

  3. Go to Tools, click Add to Favorite.

  1. There will be a pop-up screen.

  2. Type in the Title.

  3. Click Save.

  • Note: Only the Sales Manager can see the check box “Public to others”(Refer to the green frame), when the sales managers decide to share his/her quotation template to others, he/she can check it, then others can see the template at the Favorite zone.

  1. Next time when you access the quotation entry, you will find the added quotation in the upper section, you can use it for other customers.