Q1: If you’re unable to find a certain port(POL/POD) , please refer to below:

Currently, we are following the United Nation's Code for Trade and Transport Locations  (UN/LOCODE) - https://unece.org/cefact/unlocode-code-list-country-and-territory

Example: For Port-of-Venice, you can see on  (IT)  ITALY page (https://unece.org/fileadmin/DAM/cefact/locode/it.htm)  

Please input Venezia or ITVCE so you are able to select it from the POD section.

If you'd like to rearrange the display name, you can go to "setting>Port Management' to edit.

The entry is enabled for the account that has the authority.

Q2: How do I record the shipment is being held?

We have "Hold" button and column  on HBL shipment for users to record the HOLD shipment and reason, please refer to the screenshot below.


Also, if you'd like to check the shipment whether is hold or not, you can go to the HBL list, and there's a HOLD column that can review. If you're unable to see the column, please click the "Config" on the upper right side to add it into the list view entry.

Q3: I’m using the billing based accounting module. How do I save a template and how to load my templates next time?

  1. First of all, select all the charges that you'd like to save as a new template, then click "Save as Template".

  1. You'll see a pop-up as below. You can name your template and assign the billing party for a specific charge. After finishing this template, click "Save" and it will be saved in the system.

  1. Next time when you want to use this template, click "Load from Template"

  1. You can search the template at the upper left corner, choose the template you want and click "Apply", the template you chose will be applied automatically.

  1. You can also add a new billing template by clicking the "+" at the upper left.