1. My Shipment List

Go to My Shipment List under Ocean Export.

My Shipment List is based on who is incharge of the MB/L(s). In this entry, it will only show shipments of yourself. If you’re looking for your colleagues shipment, please go to “Master B/L List” and “House B/L List” to search for. 

If you are not able to find specific shipment on my shipment list, you may go to the status tab of each shipment to check the OP incharge and appoint it yourself. It will appear that shipment in my shipment list.

1.1 Search

1.1.1) How to search my shipments

  1. Click “Filter” and you can search the MB/L you’re looking for by entering the following in the “Keyword” column: MB/L number, HB/L number, File number, PO number, Agent Ref Number and Sub B/L number.

  2. Click “Apply Filters” to get the MB/L

1.2 Config

1.2.1) How to rearrange the table column configuration

  1. Click “Config”

  1. Select the items you want to see and uncheck the items you don’t. If you drag it above the “Freeze Column Divider”, the column of this item will be fixed on the Master B/L List.

1.3 Output Excel/Generate Profit Report

1.3.1) How to output “Excel”

  1. Click “Excel” at the upper right corner, then “Download”.

  1. You can also decide the Excel Configuration.

1.3.2) How to Block/Unblock shipments

  1. Check the shipment(s) you’d like to block under the “Lock icon” row. 

  1. There will be a pop-up message. Once you block the shipment, its corresponding accounting info will be blocked as well.  Click “OK” to block the shipment.

  1. Check the shipment(s) you wish to unblock under the first row, then click “Unblock”.