1. New Booking

1.1) FCL/LCL : From New Booking to an official Shipment

  1. Click “New Booking”.

  1. Fill in the information you have on hand.

  1. Scroll down and "Save”.

  1. Click “Preference” to enable HB/L functions if needed.

  1. Click “OK” to enable.

  1. HB/L functions will appear.

  1. Click “Tools” and choose “+ Create MB/L and HB/L” to generate MB/L and HB/L based on this booking.

  1. There’ll be a pop-up message, click “OK” to proceed.

  1. Now you have the booking converted to MB/L and HB/L. 

  1. You can also link this booking to an existing MB/L by entering MB/L no. at “Reference No.”.

  1. There’ll be a pop-up message asking if you want to apply the items below from MB/L to this booking. If you don’t want certain items to apply to the booking, uncheck the item and click “Yes”.

  1. You can copy or delete this booking by clicking the “Tools” at the upper right corner.

  1. Click “Tools” to print Pickup/Delivery Order, Booking Confirmation, HB/L and OB/L.

1.2) Consol: Start from Booking

  1. Click “New Booking”.

  1. Fill in the information you have on hand.

  1. Scroll down and "Save”.

  1. Click “Preference” to enable HB/L functions if needed.

  1. Click “OK” to enable

  1. HB/L functions will appear.

  1. Add to a vessel schedule : You can attach this booking under a certain vessel schedule by entering the vessel number in “Reference No.”

  1. There’ll be a pop-up message. If you don’t want to apply items from the vessel schedule to this booking, uncheck the box then click “Yes”.

  1. Convert to MB/L and HB/L : Click “Tools” and choose “+ Create MB/L and HB/L” to generate MB/L and HB/L based on this booking.

  1. There’ll be a pop-up message, click “OK” to proceed.

  1. Now you have the booking converted to MB/L and HB/L.