1. New Shipment

FCL/LCL: Start from New Shipment


In this section, we will guide you through managing ocean export shipments as well as introducing functions.

1.1 Basic

1.1.1) How to add a new shipment

  1. Go to the Navigation bar on the left hand side, select “New Shipment” under “Ocean Export” section. 

  1. You will see a place to create MB/L. The columns with red asterisk are the compulsory info you must fill in. Office will be automatically generated.

  1. After completing MB/L, remember to “Save” your file. You can always come back and edit.

  1. Click “Add HB/L” to continue. If you have multiple HB/L under one MB/L, click “Add HB/L” to add more HB/L as picture below shows. Remember to “Save” after completing your HB/L as well.


1.2 Container & Item

1.2.1) How to complete container information

  1. Go to the tab “Container & Item”. You can enter container information here. If you have 2 containers, click the “Green +” to add one more. If you have more than 5 containers, click “+5 ” to add 5 containers at once. Enter PKG, Weight and Measurement accordingly.

  1. After filling in container information on MB/L, scroll down to do that of HB/L. Simply click “Copy Value from MB/L”, the data you just keyed in on MB/L will synchronize to HB/L automatically. Finish the required info and “Save”.

1.2.2) How to create Pier Pass

  1. Check the container you wish to create Pier Pass fee, then click “Create Pier Pass A/P”. 

  1. Fill in the required information then check “Create”.

  1. After creating Pier Pass, go to “Accounting” tab to check if there’s a new Cost (A/P). If so, then you’ve done it correctly.

1.2.3) How to assign HB/L to container(s)

  1. Complete the information needed on your first HB/L (yellow) , then “Save”.

  1. Scroll back to MB/L, and click the purple icon  “Assign Container” at the upper right corner. 

  1. Assign your containers to different HB/L. In this case, we’ve assigned container 1 to the second HB/L (blue) and container 2 to the first HB/L (yellow). Click “Copy Data from All HB/L” to import HB/L information.

  1. There will be a pop-up message, click “Proceed”.

  1. PKG/Weight/ Measurement on the first HB/L will be synchronized to container 2 on MB/L. Click “Save”.

  1. Click on the blue HB/L on the right hand side to switch HB/L, and follow the procedures above to complete.

1.3 Accounting

In Accounting Tab, we also divide into MB/L and HB/L. Usually, for non-direct master and non-coload cases, monetary transactions with the Carriers and oversea agents belong with MB/L, transactions with your clients (Shipper/Consignee) belong with HB/L. You can create Account Receivables, Account Payables, Invoices and Debit/Credit Note here.

1.3.1) How to create AR/Invoice(s) 

  1. Click “ Destination Revenue (Invoice/AR)”.

  1. “Bill to” is the must-have information here. You can add charges and fees by clicking the “Green +” , then key in the rest of the info accordingly. At the “Type” column, you can decide whether this charge is Our Sales, Collect for Agent or Sales for Agent. If you’re not sure about some details and don’t want this to be an official Invoice/AR, click “Save as Draft”.

1.3.2) How to convert a draft to normal Invoice/AR

  1. Click “Tools” at the upper right corner, and choose “Convert to Normal”. This draft will become an official Invoice/AR.

1.3.3) How to create Debit/Credit Note(s)

  1. Click “Origin Revenue/Cost (D/C Note)”

  1. Load and Link from AR/AP : “Agent Name” is the must-have information here. If you have created AR/AP, when you move your mouse over “Load and Link”, it will show how many items there are in AR/AP. Click “Load and Link” to bring those AR/AP to this D/C Note.

  1. After that, you can choose to save it as a draft or simply “Save” as an official D/C note.

  1. The status of the freight charges you loaded from AR/AP will show “match”. The status of the freight charges you create directly in the D/C note but cannot be found in AR/AP will show “unmatch”. 

1.3.4) How to create AP/Cost

  1. Click “ Destination Cost (AP)”.

  1. “Vendor” is the must-have information here. The rest is the same as in AR and D/C Note. If you check the box under the “N” column, it means this charge is Non-Profit. When GoFreight calculates your profit, this charge will be excluded.  

  1. Once you’ve done creating an AR/AP/DC note, it will bring you back to the accounting entry. Our system will auto-calculate the total amount of all AP/AR/DC and display on the upper part of the MB/L and HB/L section(marked in blue). 

  1. We will also auto-calculate the total profit which excludes all the “Non-Profit” charges, showing the actual profit on the lower part of the MB/L and HB/L (marked in red).


What if there are some draft invoices and you don’t want to include them in the total amount? 

You can uncheck “Include Draft Amount” and all draft invoice(s) won’t be counted into the total amount. 

Note: The total profit calculation won’t include any draft invoice(s).

1.4 Doc Center

1.4.1) How to maintain documents

You can drag and drop your files to both MB/L and HB/L sections. Files that were uploaded successfully will be shown on “Document List”. You can choose to “Preview” or “Download” files under the “Actions” column. 

1.4.2) Auto-saved generated documents

Whenever you click “Tools” on MB/L or HB/L to generate documents, select “Download PDF” , “Print PDF” or “Email” on the top of the page, GoFreight will save the file to “Doc Center” automatically. 

1.5 Work Order

In this section, if you have multiple delivery locations for different trucking companies, we suggest you use the “Work Order” feature to maintain your D/O(s).

1.5.1) How to create pickup & delivery order

  1.  Click the green plus button to create Pickup & Delivery Order

  1.  Complete the information of the “Trucker”, “pick up location”..etc, and other data you need. You can use company search to fill the TP info.

  1.  Select “Download PDF” , “Print PDF” or “Email” on top of it will automatically save the file to “Work Order”. If you’d like to modify some information, click “Edit” to rearrange. Also, it’s free to download again when you click green button “Download”

1.6 Status

Every update and amendment can be seen at “Change Log”. Click “More Detail” to see what exactly was changed. Each shipment will have an OP in charge, you can also shift your shipment to different OP when needed. 

You can appoint Sales in charge here at HB/L section.