1. How to add a new Trade Partner(TP)

To add a new Trade Partner, please follow the instructions below.

(1)  Click “Trade Partner” → “New Trade Partner”.

(2)  In “Trade Partner Information” section, fill out necessary information for your trade partner.

(3)  Pop-up Tips: select the type of Pop-up notification if necessary.

(4)  Add “Contact Person Information” if necessary.

(5)  Add “Trade Party” for the trade partner if necessary. (follow instruction below to add trade party)

2. How to add a new Trade Party associate with specific Trade Partner

Under the “Trade party” section, you can add a default trade party for every trade partner. Please follow the instructions below.

(1)   Choose the type of trade party you want to add, and click “+” add icon.

(2)   Write some description if necessary.

(3)  Under “Company Name”, use the drop down menu to choose the company that you want to add as a trade party.

(4)   Click “Save” to confirm changes.


Trade partner: 3M Company

Bill To trade party: ABBOTT INC

After completing the settings, when you enter this trading partner (3M Company) as a customer in the shipment entry, the system will automatically bring out the associated trade party.


Example: shipment entry side

Customer: 3M Company


In addition, when adding A/R (Invoice), Bill To column is also the trade party you set up an association with.

3. How to merge Trade Partner(TP)

In order to merge Trade Partners, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Click “Trade Partner” → “Trade Partner List” to enter the interface.

  2. Select the trade partner that you want to merge. (E.g., we use XMN as trade partner example)

  3. Click “Trade Partner Merge” icon.

  1. Use the drop-down menu to select the subject you want to merge to.

  2. Choose the items you want to merge.

  3. Click “Save” to save changes.

Reminder: Please note that this action cannot be reversed. Please double confirm before you proceed with the operation.

4. How to set account group for trade partner

To set an account group for trade partners, please follow the instructions below. The account group option is available for “Agent/Local Statement” and “Freight Statement”.

  1. Click “Trade Partner” → “Trade Partner List” to enter the interface.

  2. Choose the trade partners for which you want to create an account group for.

  3. Click “Set account group” button.

  1. Create a name for the account group

  2. Click “Save” to confirm changes.

5. How to rearrange/delete group in Trade Partner 

  1. Use “filter” to search for your trade partner group

  2. Fill in your group name to search 

  3. Click the trade partner that you want to rearrange

  1. On the upper right side, find the column of  “Account group name” and you can edit to rearrange or delete.

  2. Click “Save”

6. How edit trade party contact information

  • Under the trade party section, you can only edit “Description”, “Company Name”, “Address” information of a trade party. To edit contact information of a trade party, you must click the “Edit Contact '' button on the right to redirect to “Trade Partner Information” page to edit contact information. 

7. How to set Credit Warning Pop-up

  1. Click “Trade Partner” → “Trade Partner Information” to enter the interface.

  2. Choose “CREDIT” for payment type.

  3. Set an appropriate credit term.

  4. Set an appropriate maximum credit limit.

  5. Click “Save” to confirm changes.

  • A “Credit Warning” will pop up if the credit term of the trade partner is overdue or the credit of the trade partner exceeds the credit amount.

8. How to create memo in trade partner setting

You can create a memo for a specific trade partner, and whenever you create a shipment for that specific trade partner, the memo will be automatically carried over to the shipment.

  1. Click “Trade Partner” → “Trade Partner Information” to enter the interface.

  2. Click “+” add button to create a new memo.

  3. Write the subject and content of memo.

  4. Click “Save” to confirm changes.

  • The memo that you create in the trade partner setting will be automatically carried over whenever you create a shipment.

If you always want to see the memo unfold when you create a new shipment, just simply click the checkbox of the little ring bell and save.

On the shipment entry side, the memo which enables the ring bell function will always display without folding when the trade partner is selected.                                                               

9. How to maintain Contact Person in the Trade Partner

You can maintain the contact person information for specific trade partners in the trade partner entry. Please follow the below instructions.

  1. Go to the Trade Partner you want to maintain contact person information and then scroll down to the Trade Party section and find the contact person information section.

  2. Click the green “+” button

  3. Complete the contact person information if needed.

  1. Click the icon to add multiple contacts email addresses if needed. Enter more Email addresses.

  2. Click “Save'

This feature not only allows you to record the contact person, but also a very convenient function if you’d like to send emails to the person via the system.


Send D/O to TP: ADAMS AND SONS through the GoFreight system.

Click blue “+” button to select the TP contact person

Enter TP: ADAMS AND SONS, the system automatically brings out the contact person you’ve maintained in the trade partner, or you can directly input the email address to search.

Click the first checkbox and apply to the email recipients.

10. How to manage multiple pickup locations in the HBL for shipment

You can set up multiple pickup locations for specific trade partners and manually switch on the shipment entry side. Please follow the below instructions.

  1. Go to the Trade Partner you want to arrange multiple pickup locations

  2. Scroll down to the Trade Party section and find the Pickup / Delivery Location information.

  3. Click the green “+” button

  4. Choose the type of trade party you want to add, and click “+” add icon.

  5. Write some description if necessary.

  6. Under “Company Name”, use the drop down menu to choose the company that you want to add as a trade party. 

  7. Complete other information if needed.

  8. Click “Save” to confirm changes.

Repeat step 3~8 to create multiple locations

Choose and click the first checkbox to set up the default trade party.


Trade Partner: ADAMS AND SONS

Pickup / Delivery Location Trade Party :




When you enter the consignee, the delivery location column will automatically bring out the default trade party you set for the specific trade partner. If you want to switch to the other location, click the icon next to the Delivery Location column and select.

Choose the location that you’ve already set up and click "OK” to proceed.

11. How to assign salesperson for a Trade Partner

  1. Go to the Trade Partner you want to assign a salesperson for the specific Trade Partner.

  2. Find the Sales Person column, enter and select the salesperson.

  3. Click “Save”

When you select this trade partner as “Customer “, the system will automatically bring out the sale in charge you’ve maintained above in the shipemnt entryand the  “Status” tab of the HB/L shipment.

12. How to set up Pop-up Tips 

If you’d like to notate some tips for the specific trade partner, like bad customers and so on. You can set up the pop up reminders by clicking the box of the Pop-up Tips.

When you select the specific trade partner in the shipment, the reminders pops up the information you’ve notated above in the trade partner page. (See the below picture)

13. How to add fix charges for each Trade Partner(TP)

To add Default Freight Code for your Trade Partner, please follow the instructions below.

  1. Click “Trade Partner” → “Trade Partner List”.

  2. Select the trade partner wanted by clicking “XIAMEN AIRLINE” under the “Name” column. (E.g., we use XMN as trade partner example)

  1. Click “Accounting Setting” tab at the top.

  2. Select the module that applies to the Trade Partner (E.g., Air Import is selected in this example)

  3. Under “AP Default”, click “+” add icon to add Freight Code.

  4. Choose Freight Code and enter other information needed.

  5. Click “Save” to confirm changes.

Repeat the same steps for AP and D/C Notes. 

  • Note: After assigning the TP default freight, whenever you create AR/AP/DC for this TP, it will automatically pull out the billing items. 

After you have created the AP default Freight Codes for TP’s AI Module, you can follow the instructions below to check if you setted it up correctly.

  1. Click “Air Import” → “My Shipment List”.

  2. Shipment “AIM-XX” under “File No.” column.

  1. Click “Accounting” tab at the top.

  2. Click “Destination Cost(AP)” to enter AP Expense entry page.

  1. As diagram shows, when you type “XMN” in “Vendor” field, the default freight codes will be automatically loaded into the page.

14. Code prefix : LT

LT stands for Light Create. A Light-created Trade Partner means that trade partner is created on the HB/L, not created in Trade Partner.

This type of Trade Partner can only be used on certain fields.

For example, if you create a LT Trade Partner named ABC at the shipper field on HB/L, this trade partner cannot be selected and won’t be shown on the list elsewhere. It’s a one-time thing.